NAIA Aldeon

Born: 15.5.2018

Height: 62 cm Weight: 32.5 kg

RTG: HD A, ED: 0/0

Eye exam: negat.

Breeding female - breeding test 6.9.2020, Stará Myjava

Working Dog

Evaluation of the character: AAA

AA - behaviour in the group of strangers and during the shooting, during the measurements - confident, friendly and self-confident

A - evaluation of the pugnacity: vigorous attack, does not dodge the attacker while defending the owner

Judges: Majtas, Gargušová

Dog - Show awards:

8.9.2018 - Special Slovak Hovawart Club Dog - Show - Puppy class VN3, Judge: Mikulášová

25.1.2019 - MVP - Nitra VN2, Judge: Fairaislová (CZ)

26.10.2019 - DANUBE CACIB - Intermediate class - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Judge: Havelka

5.9.2020 - Slovak Hovawart Club Dog - Show - Stará Myjava - Open class - V1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB, Judge: Gargušová

Mother: Ch. DJAMILA Aldeon

Born: 18.4.2011

Titles: Slovak Beauty Champion, Club Champion SHK

RTG: HD A, ED: 0/0, DM N/N

Eye exam: negat.

Dog - Show awards: 2x CAJC, 4xCAC, 2xR.CAC, CACIB

Father: Aik Carpathia Heart

Born: 28.4.2013

Titles: Ch. IHF, Ch. CZ, Jch. CZ & SK

RTG: HD A, ED 0/0

Dog - Show awards: World Winner 2017, Special Hovawart Dog - Show Winner 5x, CACIB, CAJC, CAC, BOJ, BOB, BIS puppy, Junior Hovawart Club Dog - Show Winner
